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- 可压缩流的两相流自由界面问题的适定性。例如涡片解(vortex sheet)、接触间断(contact discontinuity)。这可以视作一阶对称双曲组的强特征间断的稳定性。
- 流体方程的奇异极限问题,包括初值不是Well-prepared的情况下的各类低马赫数极限问题(固定边界、自由边界),多参数奇异极限问题(例如MHD的小马赫数、Alfven数极限)。
- 自由边界流体方程的奇异性或长时间解。例如有限时间爆破、小初值长时间解、或是某些稳态解的稳定性等等。
- [15] Qiangchang Ju, Jiawei Wang, Junyan Zhang. Uniform Anisotropic Regularity and Low Mach Number Limit of Non-isentropic Ideal MHD Equations with a Perfectly Conducting Boundary. arXiv:2412.09943, preprint. [PDF]
- [14] Jiawei Wang, Junyan Zhang. Low Mach Number Limit of Non-isentropic Inviscid Elastodynamics with General Initial Data. arXiv:2412.09941, preprint. [PDF]
- Junyan Zhang. Existence, Nonlinear Stability and Incompressible Limit of Current-Vortex Sheets with or without Surface Tension in Compressible Ideal MHD. arXiv:2312.11254v2, 110 pages, [PDF]. 这篇文章将会拆成如下两部分分别投稿.
- [13] Junyan Zhang. On the Incompressible Limit of Current-Vortex Sheets with or without Surface Tension. arXiv:2405.00421. [PDF].
- [12] Junyan Zhang. Well-posedness and Incompressible Limit of Current-Vortex Sheets with Surface Tension in Compressible Ideal MHD. arXiv:2312.11254v3. [PDF].
- [11] Jiawei Wang, Junyan Zhang. Incompressible Limit of Compressible Ideal MHD Flows inside a Perfectly Conducting Wall. J. Differ. Equ., Vol.425, 846-894 (2025). arXiv:2308.01142. [DOI] [PDF].
- [10] Chenyun Luo, Junyan Zhang. Compressible Gravity-Capillary Water Waves with Vorticity: Local Well-posedness, Incompressible and Zero-Surface-Tension Limits. arXiv: 2211.03600, preprint. [PDF].
博士毕业论文: Junyan Zhang. The Free-Boundary Problems in Inviscid Magnetohydrodynamics with or without Surface Tension. (292页,实为我写的MHD文章[1-3,5,7-9]的总结性论文.) [DOI] [PDF].
- [9] Xumin Gu, Chenyun Luo, Junyan Zhang. Zero Surface Tension Limit of the Free-Boundary Problem in Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics. Nonlinearity, 35(12), 6349-6398 (2022). arXiv: 2109.05400. [DOI] [PDF].
- [8] Hans Lindblad, Junyan Zhang. Anisotropic Regularity of the Free-Boundary Problem in Compressible Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 247(5), no.89: 1-94 (2023). arXiv: 2106.12173. [DOI] [PDF].
- [7] Xumin Gu, Chenyun Luo, Junyan Zhang. Local well-posedness of the Free-Boundary Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics with Surface Tension. J. Math Pures Appl., Vol. 182, 31-115 (2024). arXiv: 2105.00596. [DOI] [PDF].
- [6] Junyan Zhang. Local well-posedness and Incompressible Limit of the Free-Boundary Problem in Compressible Elastodynamics. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 244(3), 599-697 (2022). arXiv: 2102.07979. [DOI] [PDF].
- [5] Junyan Zhang. Local well-posedness of the Free-Boundary Problem in Compressible Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics. Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ., 62(4), no.124: 1-60 (2023). arXiv: 2012.13931. [DOI] [PDF].
- [4] Chenyun Luo, Junyan Zhang. Local Well-posedness for the Motion of a Compressible Gravity Water Wave with Vorticity. J. Differ. Equ., Vol.332, 333-403 (2022). arXiv: 2109.02822. (本文初稿于2020年4月12日完成并首次投稿) [DOI] [PDF]
- [3] Junyan Zhang. A priori Estimates for the free-boundary problem of Compressible Resistive MHD Equations and Incompressible Limit. arXiv: 1911.04928, preprint. [PDF]
- [2] Chenyun Luo, Junyan Zhang. A priori Estimates for the Incompressible Free-Boundary Magnetohydrodynamics Equations with Surface Tension. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 53(2), 2595-2630 (2021). arXiv: 1907.11827. [DOI] [PDF]
- [1] Chenyun Luo, Junyan Zhang. A Regularity Result for the Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics Equations with Free Surface Boundary. Nonlinearity, 33(4), 1499–1527 (2020). arXiv: 1904.05444 . [DOI] [PDF]